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B3 Centre de ressources Droit, Gestion et Emploi 651.2 COMBALBERT Disponible
Année de parution :
Negotiations can be found everywhere and are held at all levels, whether they are diplomatic negotiations, salary discussions, trade agreements, social conflicts, crisis management or everyday disagreements. Many methods have been developed, but none of them have tackled negotiations in the way the PACIFICAT© standard does.PACIFICAT©, the negotiation bible, is based on the work of professional negotiators and backed up by hundreds of successful real-life assignments. Its nine stages, illustrated by numerous practical case-studies, examples and interviews, will help you prepare, conduct, close and debrief all types of negotiations, whether they concern normal everyday situations or the future of the world.
Editeur :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (VI-633 p.) : ill. en coul. : 24 cm
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