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B3 Centre de ressources Littérature et Bandes dessinées - étage 3 8=20 CONNOLLY (IRL) En cours de catalogage
Auteurs :
Année de parution :
Following the death of her best friend, Erin has to get out of London. Returning home to Belfast, an au pair job provides some refuge from her grief and her relentless mother. She spends her spare daytime sitting in quiet churches and her free nights at the bar where her childhood friend Declan works. Erin is grateful for the distraction offered by, first, a good-looking American academic, and then the reappearance in her life of an old flame. They offer delightful diversions. But Erin must eventually confront herself.
Editeur :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (282 p.) : 19 x 13 cm
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