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Subjective atlas of Brussels
Editeur :
Année de parution :
1 vol. (190 p.) : ill. : 22 cm
Cet Atlas subjectif de Bruxelles présente le travail de designers, d'artistes et d'autres esprits créatifs qui partagent tous un amour pour Bruxelles. Il dépeint les récits et les histoires divergents de différents espaces, nous permettant de nous attarder sur les fascinants instantanés qui composent cette grande métropole. Découvrez comment plus de 80 Brusseleirs ont cartographié ce que cette capitale représente pour eux à ce moment précis.
Brussels is an amalgam of juxtapositions: a place that inspires you to dream away on sultry summer nights before hitting you with its rough reality the next day. It is a city that you slowly fall in love with until you can no longer imagine wanting to live anywhere else. However, it’s a special kind of love, a kind of love that keeps you critical, a kind of love that keeps you questioning the space that you inhabit as you wonder how we as a community can do better.
This Subjective Atlas of Brussels showcases the work of designers, artists and other creative minds who all share this kind of love for Brussels, depicting the diverging narratives and histories of different spaces, allowing us to dwell on the fascinating snapshots that make up this great metropolis. Discover how more than 80 Brusseleirs have mapped what this capital means for them at this moment in time.
(résumé de l'éditeur)
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