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Roman policier américain


Dans l'univers de ce maître du polar métaphysique, tout est incertain. "Léviathan", son nouveau roman, est un fascinant cauchemar sur les désordres de la vie. L'Amérique, une nouvelle fois, en prend pour son grade.
Numéros de page :
/ p. 86-87
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Chênée Section adulte 8= CLARK Disponible
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Sprimont Section adultes 821 LITTERATURE ETRANGERE Disponible
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Bibli 2000 Section adultes 8-3 CLA (Littérature étrangère ) Disponible
Année de parution :
In two days time the state of Connecticut is to take the life of teenager, Ronald Thompson - found guilty of the murder of Nina Peterson two years before. His death will not stop the pain and anger of Nina's husband, Steve, nor will it still the fears of Nina's six-year-old son, Neil, who witnessed his mother's brutal slaying. Only time, perhaps, can heal their wounds. But Ronald Thompson knows he did not kill Nina. And in the shadows a stranger waits and watches: a stranger who knows why Nina died, and who has unfinished business with the Peterson family...
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (222 p.) : couv. ill. en coul. : 18 cm.
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